

Check out our current research offshore of Ocean City, MD:

What’s going on? A haiku:

Turbines going up
But how will the fish react?
Observe: pots and hooks

Peer-reviewed manuscripts

Coleman, N., Fox, Horne, A., Hostetter, N., Madsen, J., O’Brien M.H.P., Park, I.A., Stence, C., Secor, D.H., In Press. Spawning Run Estimates and Phenology for an Extremely Small Population of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Marshyhope Creek-Nanticoke River System, Chesapeake Bay. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10292

Rothermel, E.R., O’Brien M.H.P., Best, J.E., Fox, D.A., Gahagan, B.I., Higgs, A.L., Park, I.A., Wippelhauser, G., Secor, D.H., 2024. An Eulerian perspective on habitat models of striped bass occurrence in an offshore wind development area. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsad212.

Secor, D.H., Bailey, H., Carroll, A., Lyubchich, V., O’Brien, M.H.P., Wiernicki, C.J., 2021. Diurnal vertical movements in black sea bass (Centropristis striata): Endogenous, facultative, or something else? Ecosphere 12, e03616.

Secor, D.H., O’Brien, M.H.P., Coleman, N., Horne, A., Park, I., Kazyak, D.C., Bruce, D.G., Stence, C., 2021. Atlantic Sturgeon Status and Movement Ecology in an Extremely Small Spawning Habitat: The Nanticoke River-Marshyhope Creek, Chesapeake Bay. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 1–20.

O’Brien, M.H.P., Secor, D.H., 2021. Influence of thermal stratification and storms on acoustic telemetry detection efficiency: a year-long test in the US Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. Animal Biotelemetry 9, 8.

Itakura, H., O’Brien, M.H.P., Secor, D., 2021. Tracking oxy-thermal habitat compression encountered by Chesapeake Bay striped bass through acoustic telemetry. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsab009.

Secor, D.H., O’Brien, M.H.P., Gahagan, B.I., Fox, D.A., Higgs, A.L., Best, J.E., 2020. Multiple spawning run contingents and population consequences in migratory striped bass Morone saxatilis. PLOS ONE 15(11): e0242797

Rothermel, E.R., Balazik, M.T., Best, J.E., Fox, D.A., Gahagan, B.I., Haulsee, D.E., Higgs, A.L., O’Brien, M.H.P., Oliver, M.J., Park, I.A., and Secor, D.H. 2020. Comparative migration ecology of striped bass and Atlantic sturgeon in the US Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight flyway. PLOS ONE 15(6): e0234442.

Secor, D.H., O’Brien, M.H.P, Gahagan, B.I., Watterson, J.C., and Fox, D. 2020. Differential migration in Chesapeake Bay striped bass. PLOS ONE 15(5): e0233103.

Wiernicki, C.J., O’Brien, M.H.P., Zhang F, Lyubchich V, Li M, Secor, D.H., 2020. The recurring impact of storm disturbance on black sea bass (Centropristis striata) movement behaviors in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. PLOS ONE 15(12): e0239919.

Secor, D.H., Zhang, F., O’Brien, M.H.P. and Li, M. 2019. Ocean destratification and fish evacuation caused by a Mid-Atlantic tropical storm. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(2).

Wingfield, J.E., O’Brien, M., Lyubchich, V., Roberts, J.J., Halpin, P.N., Rice, A.N. and Bailey, H., 2017. Year-round spatiotemporal distribution of harbour porpoises within and around the Maryland wind energy area. PLOS ONE, 12(5), p.e0176653

Open reports

Secor, D, M O’Brien, E Rothermel, C Wiernicki, and H Bailey. “Movement and Habitat Selection by Migratory Fishes within the Maryland Wind Energy Area and Adjacent Reference Sites.” Sterling (VA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Office of Renewable Energy Programs, 2020. URL:

Curated datasets

Rothermel, Ella, Michael O’Brien, and David Secor. “Data from: Comparative Migration Ecology of Striped Bass and Atlantic Sturgeon in the US Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight Flyway.” Dryad, 2020.

O’Brien, Michael, David Secor, Benjamin Gahagan, Dewayne Fox, Amanda Higgs, and Jessica Best. “Data from: Multiple Spawning Run Behavior and Population Consequences in Migratory Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis.” Dryad, 2020.